
2 years ago

Today we took my sister to get a 2nd opinion to my vet 1 1/2 hrs away with the most up to date state of the art equipment!! He spent 3 hrs with us! Now tell me this vet isn't for the animal!! He is the most extremely intelligent vet with the most humerous personality! We got such good news!!! After receiving bad news numbers were bad on Friday we made a move off to Gaitlyns vet we went! He’s a little distance from us so we have always used someone close for the pups but I needed expert advise! We were told Friday to increase her insulin and have an 8hr test ran monday to have her checked for cushions and to take her to a specialist for a possible spot on her spleen because they don't have the equipment outside a xray machine! When I tell y'all a week of hell I mean that 120% today made up for it and Im at peace! I think I will sleep tonight !! We have decreased her insulin as it appears she could be receiving to much according to the curve test i have been running on her! We were told to increase 2 units Friday by her original vet. Her numbers would get low and then as soon as we dosed and fed they would be high until next dose which made no sense! He told mom she should be a vet and then asked if her if she was ever a teacher because of her patience! And of course her reply was I taught her patience!! So we know she Diabetic and we are working on her intake of insulin and moving forward huge shoutout to Dr Sekut and his amazing ladies there! One tech and her boyfriend even showed up to see Gaitlyn how see! If anyone is close to the area or driving distance I highly recommend Newport News Animal Hospital with the most up to date state of the are equipment and dr. Thank you Sam Morgan and Dr Sekut!!
Gaitlyn Rae 10 years old black cap Capuchin born in the US! Resides in NC with her human family.
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