White House Dr Harper UNRWA Question Aired on Jerusalem Channel 20 Television January 26, 2017

1 year ago

InterMountain Christian News publisher/editor Dr. Anthony Harper's White House question of January 25, 2017 with the help of The GOD of Israel went viral among Israel Knesset members and throughout Israel and was replayed on Jerusalem television station Channel 20 January 26, 2017 including an interview with Israel MK leader Yehuda Glick who Dr. Harper had mentioned in the White House question along with Israel MK leaders Dr. Aliza Lavie and Sharren Haskel. Yehuda Glick and Sharren Haskel were present with Dr. Harper at President Trump’s Inauguration prayer events in Washington, D.C. Thursday January 19 and Friday January 20, 2017.

Below is the translation of the Jerusalem TV Channel 20 clip.

Anchor: There was also a question and answer period in the United States yesterday in the context of a briefing with the Press Secretary of the White House. The names of a few Knesset Members were mentioned. Here:
(cuts to footage of the press conference).

Anchor: Joining us now is MK Yehuda Glick. Hello!

MK Glick: Hello, Dana! Good evening. I wish a day full of friendliness to all the viewers!

Anchor: Listen, you were mentioned at a press conference with the Press Secretary of the White House. Tell us about it!

MK Glick: Listen, I must say there are much greater causes of happiness in life. I woke up this morning, and I saw the sun shining. My children are healthy. These things are much greater causes of happiness than being mentioned in a press conference of Trump’s Press Secretary. But regardless, there is no doubt that we raised an issue. We brought it up in the Knesset time after time, and I am happy that now thanks to our work at the Knesset the topic has reached the White House, as well. The topic is about the UNRWA schools, funded by money from around the world that is sent to the UN. Instead of being used to address the needs of refugees or prevent conflict, the textbooks in all of the UNRWA schools promote bigotry, incitement and real demonization of Israel. I refer to all of the textbooks, even the ones about mathematics and nature. All of them are full of inciting material, and all of them are funded by the American and European taxpayers. We brought this topic forward forcefully in a meeting I held two months ago with reporters from around the world, as well as in a conference held by MK Aliza Lavie approximately a month ago on precisely the same topic, and I am happy that one of the reporters who attended these meetings got to the White House and raised the question. It appears to me that the answer he received is evidence that the proper use of American dollars is important to the President, particularly those sent abroad, and he (President Trump) will follow up on this issue. So I really hope that is what happens.

Anchor: We hope you continue to star at White House briefings.

MK Yehuda Glick: I prefer to hope that the issue will be resolved. That is much more important. I hope that each Palestinian child will receive what he deserves: a good education, a good chance at success. (I hope he does) not absorb hatred and incitement at school and grow up to be an enemy and a bigot.

Anchor: Of course. Thank you very much.

For more information about Dr. Harper and the InterMountain Christian News, visit the web site of: http://www.imcnews.org

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