432 Hz Therapy Frequency | Solfeggio Meditation 3 Hours

2 years ago

According to music theory, A=432 Hz is mathematically consistent with the universe. This is known as Verdi’s ‘A’ – named after Giuseppe Verdi, a famous Italian composer.

Music tuned to 432 Hz is softer and brighter, and is said to provide greater clarity and is easier on the ears. Meditation music tuned to 432 Hz is relaxing for the body and mind and also more harmonic and pleasant than 440 Hz which is the frequency that most of the modern day music we listen to is tuned at. Some theorists believe that 440 Hz was designed to stimulate fear, sickness, oppression. This imposed frequency was introduced as the standard frequency in 1940 in the US.

432 Hz has an excellent influence on spiritual development of the listeners. For more inner peace, listen to 432 Hz because it gives more clarity than 440 Hz. Researchers claim that they feel calmer, happier and more relaxed when playing and listening at 432 Hz. Continuously listening music based on 440 Hz blocks the energy whereas by lowering the pitch by just 8 Hz makes us more joyful & relaxed.
Music that is tuned to 432 Hz is more friendly for the ears and unites the listeners to the universal harmony and generates positive effects on mind and body. In short, 432 Hz music would fill the mind with a sense of peace and well being. Music that has been tuned to the scientific 432 Hz releases emotional blockages and is said to be most beneficial to humans.

For a period of at least 21 days, try listening to music tuned at either 432 Hz or 528 Hz–which is the frequency that promotes both love and DNA repair, and track how you feel the next morning

Best with Headphones

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