Navigating The Different Classes Of Homeless During SHTF | Billy Meier Predictions

2 years ago

Today we are going to be talking about the different classes of Homeless (Hobo's). Before we get started, I wanted to thank Michael Horn at for sharing my video on his website. I feel a lot more comfortable knowing that I have a lot more like-minded people around me, so thank you again for your recent subscription.

You might be asking why this channel is important and what can you learn from a Hobo. The truth is Billy Meier gave us three predictions over the last decades. The first prediction was that after 2020 the Superpower USA will no longer exist; it almost seems like Jan 1 of 2020 Loki hit the earth with a vengeance. The second prediction was in 2017 in a contact report, you can find this on, Meier talked about the elite using the next pandemic to gain control over the political and economic system. I could point finger, but I want to keep my channel. Lastly, Meier also predicted that we would have a global economic collapse that we would never truly recover from. If you have watched the global economy since 2006 and the crash that became visible in 2008, the global economy has only recovered to be smacked down again by a pandemic and now looming global conflict. All the measures taken in 2008 only delayed the inevitable making it more devastating when the price is exacted to correct the system. What is on the horizon now is what I like to coin the “Great Dispossession” which Meier has also recently warned about. Should you be one of the many who will be affected by this, knowing the different classes of Hobo’s, where they hang out, and how to interact with them will be essential in your survival and safety should an SHTF situation become a reality for you.

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