耶稣的追随者是 "教会 "的敌人(warningthepeople)Jesus Followers Are Enemies of church

2 years ago

esus followers Are Enemies of “church”
2020年10月21日发布 •https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BqRXD267V7E
Jesus followers Are Enemies of “church”
When you start to hear Jesus and walk with Him for real you literally become an enemy of church because the churches today are against the One True God, they are for S. God is against sin and He is against sinners. He is for the RIGHTEOUS. He is not for the hypocrite, He is not for the liar, He is not for the coward. Christians today who are attending church are 100% against God. And if you are with Jesus Christ YOU WILL BE THEIR ENE. Are we with Jesus Christ or are we with the enemies?
耶稣的追随者是 "教会 "的敌人
当你开始真正听从耶稣并与他同行时,你就会成为教会的敌人,因为今天的教会是反对唯一的真神的,他们支持罪。 上帝反对罪,不支持罪人。 他支持正直的人。 他不支持假冒伪善的人,不支持说谎的,不支持胆怯的。 今天参加教会的基督徒是100%反对上帝。 如果你和耶稣基督在一起,你就会成为他们的敌人。 我们是与耶稣基督在一起还是与敌人在一起?

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