The Curiosity Theory Looks At Massive Action

3 years ago

When I think of the term Massive Action, it scares the heck out of me! Because it connects to the concept of me living A BIG DREAM that is calling me out. I first learned this Massive Action Technique from Tony Robbins. Anthony Robbins teaches the “MAP” Massive Action Approach. I also learned a lot from Brendon Burchard’s in his High-Performance Habits book.

Massive Action is a huge personal conflict resolution problem. Because it calls you out to A BIG future that demands you to live "The Greatest Version of Yourself". This means you will be dealing with personal development skills and high-performance skills and techniques.

I know when I say Massive Action, I will be uncomfortable. I will force myself to deal with my resistance and, at the same time, have no time for resistance.

Massive Action is nothing until I consider the consequence of not achieving my dreams.

On an average day, we don't need massive action. For the most part, people run on automatic pilot. We work the same today as we did yesterday.

Champions, Winners, and high achievers are called out by something different. The thoughts that occupy their minds are foreign to most people. They experience the same considerations as we all do; the thing is, They, "Just do it!"

The other day when I reviewed my 2021 game plan, I realized that I need new skills and techniques to be the best version of myself. I have to change the relationship I have with myself and how I can better move into action to achieve what I have planned. During my Wim Hof meditation, the term Massive Action showed up. So, I wanted to explore it with some people I have tremendous respect for, and I wanted to share my curious exploration with you in my next Curiosity Theory HANGOUT.

On my podcast, I will be interviewing Greg Reid from The Secret Knock he’s a former Ted Talk and Award-winning speaker, Author, and filmmaker.
Also on the show is Chris Heller former CEO of Keller Williams Realty and one of the Top Realtors in the United States.
Hypnotist De’Anna Nunez from Wake Up Your Best Life will be bringing her wisdom to the conversation.

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