The Best Compliments For A Guy - Say THIS To Him ...

3 years ago

For The Relationship Roadblock Quiz:

Women want to feel more seen, heard, loved, and appreciated. But did you know guys do too? Do you know any compliments for a guy to make him feel your love?

Let’s put it this way:

How long would you stick around if you didn’t feel his love and appreciation?

Well, he won’t stick around long if you don’t give back to the Love Bank Account! So yes, you need to know the kind of compliments a man wants to hear...

Because some compliments won’t work. He won’t recognize them as a compliment. (There are a lot of “guy compliments” that he uses on you - that you miss!)

I can tell you from experience that most men NEVER get the kind of compliments they really want from a woman. So knowing these compliments for a guy will immediately give you the edge.

Now, keep in mind that all of these compliments can be used when TEXTING, too. Of course, every compliment works better if you say it in person.

Compliment Type #1: Recognize his efforts
One thing that many women don't realize is that men put a lot of physical and mental energy into making you happy.

In fact, you may not know this but men spend most of their time in a relationship focused on that one thing: Making you happy.

If you doubt this in any way, simply ask every guy you know at work or in your life if this is true when it comes to relationships. And tell him to really think about it.

I would say that at least 90% of men will agree that they are simply trying to make YOU happy in the relationship.

It all comes down to that (in)famous saying: “Happy wife, happy life”

Of course, men also know what happens when you're not happy and it comes time to go to the bedroom. In the words of Apollo 13: 'Houston, we have a problem.'

Guys don't only try to make you happy jus to get sex - BUT that's one of the signals we watch out for.

We know if we want to be happy, YOU need to be happy.
So it's especially critical that you recognize the effort he puts in to make you happy. Keep an eye out for all the things he does to win your approval.

Of course, the tricky part is that many of the things he does you may not notice. And if you stop noticing them for long enough, he stops doing them.

You may notice this when it comes to chores around the house. If he didn't get recognized when he was doing them, he'll figure why bother? And then he stops putting that effort in.

So how do you compliment his efforts?

“I really appreciate all the effort you put in around here.”
“You are so good to me…”
“Wow, you’re the best guy to have around in a pinch…”
“You’re a regular Mr. Fixit! Thanks!”
“What would I do without you around?”
“Thanks for listening to me and letting me vent…”
Another important thing to recognize is that if he's not doing a lot right now, he may already be in that place of feeling under-appreciated. Start out by giving him the appreciation first, and then he will start to live up to your expectations.

Compliment Type #2: Compliments of Respect
One thing I've noticed about mature, stable relationships is that the partners in them always respect each other. They don't resort to insults, petty put-downs, snarky comments, etc.

On the other hand, almost every single relationship that struggles has two people who probably aren't a good match for each other, constantly belittling the other person because of this poor match up.

I'm sure if you look back in your history, you'll find a similar pattern in many of your relationships. I know I have.

Here's a little secret about relationships you might not know:

Most of the problems in a relationship are simply because we expect the other person to behave and be just like us.
Literally exactly like ourselves.

We expect them to have the same:

Communication styles
(The list goes on and on!)
When this happens, respect is lost. And a relationship will soon be lost too.

This is why you need to make sure you compliment him by showing him respect. This is the first step to ensure that you get that respect right back. Because if he doesn't feel respected, why would he feel that he should pay that respect back?

While both men and women want respect, it's usually only in retrospect that you realize you weren't getting it.
Guys put extra value on respect, so this one is really important.

Here's a few ways you can show him -

For the rest: WATCH THE VIDEO!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
The Best Compliments For A Guy

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