Far-Fetched Bush FUNeral SPIN: A Tall Tale of the Political Royal Elite Members at the Lies in State

3 years ago

We're farming up a rip roaring tall tale of humor & parody
as we examine a spun up tall tale of FUN ... at a celebration slash FUNeral
As we see Political Royalty gather for a Presidential "lying in State"
we never know what crazy things will be said out of the mouths of these dirty double dealing devils swarming DC

Subscribe & stay tuned as you're not going to want to miss the great reveal of this multi installment TALL TALE of unbelievable twisters when we move from each prolonged phase in the entire weeks celebrations and rituals!
We will see all kinds of crazies appear as if magic
all drawn to surround a mysterious coffin as it LIES IN STATE
You never know who is who when you see one thing and hear another straight from their mouths... forked tongues awry

The truth is swirling around the Rotunda, Cathedral & Military filled STEPS of bog known as DC
We actually have found it among all this crazy backwoods shenanigans
and it's darker and more hidden than a bully horno hiding in Pappaw & Mamma's empty tree stumps at the bottom of the holler down yonder
y'inz Enjoy The Show
The Swamp is Deep with snakes, alligators, & devil fish always hungry for some tender vittles to devour

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