Good Friday Made Me All Good With God #shorts

2 years ago

Good Friday made me all good with God. How? Because I believed in the promise Jesus makes in John 6:40. In the Old Testament, Abraham believed in God's promise and it was counted as righteousness. And we learn in the New Testament, that we need to believe in Jesus' promise and then we are made righteous. When Jesus died on Good Friday (the name of the day doesn't matter), He died in your place, taking the penalty for all your sins. If you believe in Jesus for eternal life then God sees His righteousness in you and you are made good enough for heaven. He also promised to raise you up again in the future, giving you a glorified, sinless, body.
When you receive this glorified body, you are ALL good and sanctified, made perfect, never knowing pain, temptation, or sorrow any more.
So have a great Good Friday ... and believe the promise of John 6:40.

For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”

Believe His promise.

Comment below if you believe, have just believed or if you have questions or other comments.

Leave your prayer requests. Please pray for one another.

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