World Exclusive! I interview the Leader of the Luhansk People's Republic!

2 years ago

EXCLUSIVE! LPR Leader Leonid Pasechnik is an incredibly down-to-earth guy. He is a man of the people who prefers the title of Leader of #Luhansk People's Republic (#LPR), and not a President. I was given the opportunity to ask him, "What message would you like to give to the American people?", and this was his response.

For those of you that don't know, the Eastern territory of #Ukraine that succeeded in 2014, by a vote of the people is the Donbass region. Within the Donbass, you have the Luhansk People's Republic on the north side, and the Donetsk People's Republic on the South side. The Donbass has been subject to Ukrainian hostilities, including the Ukrainian military killing thousands of people in the Donbass since their succession. The history and geopolitical situation in this area is incredibly complicated, with American fingerprints all over everything. please research the coup of 2014, and America's role in this.

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