United Souls & Emuna Weekly Class by Eli Goldsmith with Lit UP Unifications!

3 years ago

Thanks, @jeffpulver & Lauren with co!
Excited - First time teaching an online interactive course for our globally growing community! #unityclasses
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pulveredu1058-united-souls-for-a-divisive-generation-tickets-130963273677?utm-medium=discovery&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&aff=escb&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing - plz share on #unitedsouls! Real #inspired answers to the #CoronaChallenge  #dividedgeneration! @Goldsmitheli:)

As we enter the time of the Festival of lights aka Chanukah together, being a part of the 2020 generation, we have the opportunity to transform darkness to light! The #CoronaChallenge has brought us to deep realizations, spiritual growth, emotional healthiness, physical balance, and prepare ourselves for the Ultimate Unification! This is mentioned many times in the Torah’s of the Baal Shem Tov! It’s all about bringing the inner light from the 19th of Kislev, a festival of the Chassidic Mystical Revelation, towards times of Joy aka Simcha, and our United Souls towards an Intrinsic Belief aka Emuna filled happier Lit Up life!

The Premiere of all the #Emuna & #Chanukah footage will go live nightly on the Emunalive.com - http://emunalive.com/ which also shall host our Main Emuna Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Pbo0ctFQcI&list=PLCXGtU6y_0mhGwwd62iViS6zXme8B7JuW - click, partner & share for the latest main Rav Shalom Arush :) media and classes! You and your Community can bring Rav Arush to your events via our online #EmunaTour! B'H

For booking Unity Projects and Nissim Black please email Unityinspiresprojects@gmail.com to bring more unity to our lives!

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