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Living Room Christmas Tour

4 years ago

🔴 My Behind the Scenes Design Group is a place where you learn how to take your home to the next level 🔴 Learn more here and sign up for the waitlist: https://bit.ly/behindthescenesdesigngroup

You can read the original blog post here

Join the Waitlist to get into my Behind the Scenes design school https://sheholdsdearly.lpages.co/bts-waitlist

Gain Access to my Subscriber Library https://sheholdsdearly.leadpages.co/serve-leadbox/v4NHUF3BFAvfjM5M4EYrQe

Here is the tutorial I did for making DIY Mercury Glass:

Hoop Wreaths https://rstyle.me/+7GDYbQss2SM_b6QTSUxJug
Green Vintage Books https://rstyle.me/+tXYaZdjXGoA2KQB3baf57g
Sheet Music Garland https://rstyle.me/+f6A0VvjgTbUb1KnPJk2SHQ
Tinsel https://rstyle.me/+gYScIgLXzOzGnWwyAwYGHA
Doll House https://amzn.to/3m7TjtM
Green Lumbar Pillow https://rstyle.me/+_fdDZGO9jqCOQVIEzftLvw
Pom Pom Pillows https://amzn.to/2VWbg41
Tree Farm Pic https://rstyle.me/+gQfLOgyYdMjbXEJZS448bA
Patent Prints https://www.thenavagepatch.com/christmas-patent-wall-art-18-free-printables/
White Nativity https://rstyle.me/+fAmFHbnza-l_tih5zfTulw

Note- If video appears to be poor quality you can fix this by clicking on the gear right under the video and choosing an HD setting for viewing.


Video for Bloggers Ecourse https://create-your-blog-dream.teachable.com/courses/video-for-bloggers?affcode=238264__hmqg1kg
Laptop https://amzn.to/33EHVxa
Canon Camera https://amzn.to/2JrZmYE
Lighting Kit https://amzn.to/2QKCu93
Fixed Lens http://amzn.to/2qQzkUk
Lightroom for Editing https://clk.tradedoubler.com/click?p(264355)a(3000806)g(22804962)url(https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/plans.html)
Tripod http://amzn.to/2iIM0L5

Business inquiries: sarah@sheholdsdearly.com
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