A Nation That Idolizes Women

2 years ago

Even many Christians believe the unborn are a subclass of humanity. Just as people once thought that a slave was less than human, people today think that an unborn child is less than human. If you stand against equal penalties, you are standing against equal protection. And if you are standing against equal protection, you are blatantly denying equal value. In other words, our nation will never truly protect unborn children until we stop protecting murderous women.

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*If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/

#jeffdurbin #women #theology
Keywords: theology, Reformed theology, podcast, Christian podcast, theology podcast, theology show, Christian show, the gospel

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