HUGO TALKS EXPOSED..Controlled Opposition?- Some truths about his identity.

2 years ago

First and foremost, I am a post 9/11 truther who has struggled with questions such as, "am I real, from here, adopted.." and after 20 years or so I consider myself, as a small group of others globally do, The Old Guard.
We watch and try to help steer our brothers and sisters in truth from the traps of quicksand that the agents of the system lay out for us.
Here is just another example, I hoped to be wrong but time always reveals the truth so here is what I found.
If you are a Hugo Talks fan you will already be triggered, this is not to attack you but to show how these so-called truthers attack you from within your minds.

I gave him plenty of chances and pointers but he cannot let it go so neither shall I.

Some unknown facts about Mr Hugo Waverley???

Much L❤ve


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