New Toro bag - Thank you @The Home Depot

2 years ago

So I went to Home Depot showed them the bag and we opened a box and sure enough the bag is totally different. Easest way was to give me that bag and they put the wrong bag with that mower and will send it back for defective product.

In the meantime I don't know Toro might send me another bag, I didn't want to drag this out if they do I guess I'll have an extra bag for if and win this one wears out. Figure it's the hassle fee to run back and forth to the store.

I think Toro on social media needs to get their act together. I get it, I've worked with the general public before and there are a lot of stupid people out there. It's why I included pictures...hard to take pictures but when someone says it's too narrow to fit in any sort of slots and the tabs will not reach even if I tried maybe just maybe you say "pictures are not too clear, please send more pictures or a short video". Easy enough to do.

Toro customer service on the phone now she was great. So we will see what happens! She was the one claiming they send a bag out. *sigh*

A lot of people review products but they never get to test the companies customer service.

My score:
Home Depot - 10
Toro Online - 2
Toro on the Phone - 10

#toro #mower #customerservice

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