A Step by Step Guide on How to STOP Reincarnating: FAQ and Troubleshooting

2 years ago

Source: "FREE AT LAST" June 3rd, 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KXflXbvZn8
RELEVANT LINKS: Calogero Grifasi

Quantum Healing with Tena & Karen

Wes Penre Papers

The Soul Net/Frequency Fence

The Archontic Soul Trap. A Different Vision of the Other Side and Reincarnation on Earth (https://bit.ly/3tvpkCG)
Quote: "It is no secret that the world in which we find ourselves today is little more than a blatant dystopia of the most abject misery. It is difficult for us to believe that a soul could ever achieve any kind of meaningful growth here in this kind of life. The greater part of people are incarnated with neither transparent memories of their past lives nor any direction, spend almost all of their lives working endlessly in the artificial economic system of a small number of usurers without conscience and for the benefit of a hegemonic class of ruthless exploiters, live tormented by a myriad of sects and ideologies based on fear and our sense of guilt and endure countless types of degrading oppression. As if that were not enough, some even more unfortunate souls are incarnated into weak and deformed bodies, suffer from horrific congenital defects, are born into a condition of inhumane poverty or are victimized by instances of deplorable sexual abuse in their own family environment. The so-called «gurus» of the New Age only repeat the same empty platitudes that souls choose these adverse circumstances voluntarily in order to pay off «karmic debts» or that we are still too immature and as such must come back again and again—even hundreds of times—in order to learn the same «lessons» which we are too stupid to understand. What benefit is there in living as a miserable economic slave always on the verge of destitution? What lesson is learned from having been born with congenital blindness or severe autism or from being raped by a close relative in a defenseless state? Enough already! More souls now see this world for what it really is—a suffocating and stultifying prison—tired of continuing to reincarnate here."

"Moksha from Earth" about the lighttrap: https://bit.ly/3ghTUZU
"Archons rule Earth" about the 7 planetary rulers: https://bit.ly/3D0RDfl
"Dark Side of Jesus" about John, the true Christos: https://bit.ly/3xZLP24

Watch: "Jesus was a Usurper" https://odysee.com/@SergeantSchultz:2/Lynn-Picknett---Jesus-was-a-Usurper,-John-the-Baptist-was-the-True-Christ.-The-Johannite-Tradition.:9
Watch: "The Templar Revelation" https://odysee.com/@SergeantSchultz:2/Lynn-Picknett---Mary-Magdalene:9
!!! MUST WATCH - Psychic project on "Freedom from Soul-Loosh Harvesting"!!! https://odysee.com/@SergeantSchultz:2/Samsara-and-Rebirth:b

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