#comedy #parody #tarzan #classic #anime #manga #tvseries #trailer Jungle King Tar-chan Trailer 1993

2 years ago

Janguru no Ōja Tā-chan is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masaya Tokuhiro. The manga was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from March 1988 to June 1990. Midway through serialization, its name was changed to New Jungle King Tar-chan

A parody of the legend of Tarzan.

Tar-chan, a young man who was raised in the African savanna by the chimpanzee Etekichi, and his adventures protecting his home, his wife Jane, and his animal friends. As the series progresses, the simple episodic gag premise is switched to a fighting premise. Although long battles and emotional development began to unfold, after the end of these battles, the series would return to its gag style, switching back to the fighting style with each new battle.

Although the story is called Jungle King Tar-chan, Tar-chan and his friends actually live on a savanna, and a jungle setting is never actually used.

Artist, Comic Book Creator, Writer, Pop Culture Convention Director
I also run my own comic book studio, Plunge Studios NZ, here in beautiful Whangarei, New Zealand with a couple friends.

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