Fallout 3- Main Quests- The American Dream, Energy Bobblehead- DHG's Favorite Games!

2 years ago

24:37 Energy Weapons Bobblehead (MISSABLE!)
Main Story Quests- The American Dream

Fallout 3 (2008) was developed by Bethesda and published by..... Bethesda

As one of my favorite games of all time, Fallout 3 has a lot to offer to anyone that likes RPGs and shooters. A huge time sink, Fallout 3 has a rather short main quest with a ton of explorable areas and goodies to find. The graphics are dated and vary wildly; some things look great (Environments) while others (Faces) look terrible. The sound of superb, ranging from the famous Fallout main theme, to the haunting ambient music, to the ear busting explosions, the sound never gets dull and is always on point.

The V.A.T.S. combat system steals the show, and even after the decade since it's release, is still a blast to use. Lobbing grenades at people or things and never been more fun! There are a ton of perks and many various loadouts you can choose from, or you can be a jack of all trades and max out most skills if you have the DLC. The questing and writing is not as good as Fallout: New Vegas but is still much better than other RPGs I've played.

Fallout 3 is available on Xbox, Playstation, and PC. If you choose PC, get it on GOG.com. Thier version runs best.

I will give my rating for the game once it is completed based off of my new and simple rating system. The game will get one of five ratings based solely on my experience while playing through it: Horrible (rare rating), Bad, Average, good, and Great (rare rating).

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DHG played Fallout 3 on PC

Part 18

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