03. Second Coming Passages Require first Century Fulfillment

3 years ago

03. Preterist Papers - Second Coming Passages Require first Century Fulfillment

In this paper, we add more scripture to our already ample arsenal of proof that the second coming was in the first century.

We are seeking to strip away the false assumptions and unbiblical “traditions of men” that hinder understanding the nature of “the Day of the Lord” or “the second coming,” as it is commonly called. The meaning of this event is obscured by futuristic assumptions and must be comprehended using a sound, contextual hermeneutic allowing scripture to interpret scripture. We are espousing “fulfilled eschatology”.

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References for further study:
Don K. Preston: http://www.donkpreston.com & http://www.bibleprophecy.com
William Bell Jr.: http://www.allthingsfulfilled.com
Samuel G. Dawson: http://www.samuelgdawson.com
Daniel Rogers: http://www.labornotinvain.com
Michael Sullivan: http://www.fullpreterism.com
Adam Maarschalk: http://www.adammaarschalk.com
David B. Curtis: http://www.bereanbiblechurch.org

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03. Second Coming Passages Require first Century Fulfillment:

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