Pilgrim's Journey #2 - In Galilee

4 years ago

A Pilgrim's Journey - An Armchair Tour of the Holy Land.

From Galilee to Jerusalem, this series explores the land of Israel from the perspective of a first-time visitor on a Zola tour in 1997.

Program #2 of 9 - In Galilee.
We visit the church at the site of Mary’s Well in Nazareth. After descending to the beautiful Jezreel Valley, we view the ruins of Megiddo perched over the famous Valley of Armageddon. A spiritual high point is reached for many pilgrims during our baptismal service in the Jordan River. Our chief guide, Yossi Ashkenazi, then relates the dramatic history of a local kibbutz and directs us through the ancient Roman ruins of Beit Shean.

"Our Jewish Roots" brings you Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy, and the Jewish roots of the Christian faith.

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