We NEED To Be More Like The Minutemen // It is TIME To TRAIN

2 years ago

There is no time like the present. We need to be prepared. Mentally and Physically prepared for what may come. Train, train, and train. This is America. We have a duty to the next generation to uphold what the generations previous, upheld for us. God Bless.

Warrior Poet Society
Field Craft Survival
Ronin Tactics
Ronin Tactic's Online Courses

There are plenty of others. If these do not work for you, leave a comment. I will help you find one that does. P.S. Women should be training too. 2A = Women's Rights as well.

Support the fight for Freedom!
Gun Owners of America https://www.gunowners.org
Firearms Policy Coalition https://www.firearmspolicy.org

I am not supported by the companies I linked. I simply believe in their mission and hope you do too.

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