Exams CET tests Gaokao, marking papers, nearly there.. Summer and a wide blue yonder awaits! China!

2 years ago

Spoken English Exams 2022 completed, Written exam papers written, My kids doing #CET tests today.. Next years students have done their Gaokao.. So, just the final written exams to do next week.. (and then marking papers, scoring etc.. ugh) But, nearly there.. Summer and a wide blue yonder awaits! #China!
(BGM is Born Slippy (Nuxx) by Underworld)
I like to think I'm teaching (about) life.. as much as 'teaching English'.. My ethos is that it should be fun.. Learning is a given.. Making it enjoyable is the key.. If it's boring for them.. It's mind-numbing for me.. and I get bored very quickly.. so.. Fun it has to be!
Giving my bright #stars good bad news? #Teaching in University in #China: Education can also be fun!
Barrie's Channels: https://linktr.ee/barriev
There was me thinking I was OO7 (+ a half) now they tell me I'm head of the worldwide network of spidery things with tentacles.. SPECTRE - ASPI: Bunch of clowns paid piles of (soon to be worthless) US Arms Corporation Dollars to produce piles of Bollocks..
https://youtu.be/wA-ublqzG9A via @Baz
Here's the pile of bollocks: https://bm-xj-vis.aspi.org.au/ -
I wouldn't bother wasting any time on it..
Basically - the hugely ridiculous ASPI got paid huge sums of filthy worthless $dollars to produce a huge pile.. of bollocks..
Here's a Thread Detailing some of the attacks on Barrie,
Best China Info ChinaBazzar and other vloggers.. https://twitter.com/BeehiveChina/status/1468566546553335810

Recommend: Part 2 of 2: Who ARE the MIC ? (MIPAC) USUKEUNATOMIC ? We put Biden's war cabinet under the microscope and look at the clear and stated history objectives of the War hawks. See also: https://youtu.be/9keEcmlqTuc - Part 2 of Analysing the Semantics - Just what did the US MIC say in Alaska? https://youtu.be/gymnmTVBboA
Barrie's Channels:
As can now be seen with the vacuum deliberately left by the US admin following the spat between the US admin / /Trump / Biden / Wall street and the CIA / Pentagon - This video will remain incredibly pertinent - New Video - Thoughts on Afghanistan coming out later today. .
See also:

Help Support Us - This channel has no team - no backup - It's essentially a two person job - with the help of my 'other half' who translates and is a well-balanced sounding board for my wild ramblings..

Barrie's Channels: https://linktr.ee/barriev
Barrie VVeiss on
Website: https://bestchinainfo.com/
https://twitter.com/ ​China Beehive Beehive China
Barrie V on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@BarrieVv:1
Website: https://bestchinainfo.com/
Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/5328095643
BiliBili - https://space.bilibili.com/600273877
TikTok / Douyin: https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABAAAAWU7yzyz7jJFnMuoD1JQ1Rep3JFQnAl4uM7hGUp8N-74 and https://www.ixigua.com/home/57526845157 - https://www.toutiao.com/c/user/token/MS4wLjABAAAANZu1wBjzuOouBQKxhhmJH0qdYcoJQVp5CwX3hPqUBWQ/?

Support us:

See also: Sport - Tennis - FACTS: NYT BBC HRW WTA Weaponise China Tennis Star Peng Shuai: Target? B... https://youtu.be/F1BEW4aJf-I via @YouTube

Barrie is Also on: https://ixigua.com/7025193077820260894 and https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1h44y1i72D
Premiering: #Beijing finally! Part 1 of an amazing trip to Beijing: Finally! Enjoying Beijing! #ForbiddenCity Being there - 'Feeling it': The magnificence - It really brings home that sense of the significance of Chinese Civilisation" Go and feel it! 🥰🇨🇳🥰 https://youtu.be/tLDkMRlnXKQ

UPDATES: https://bestchinainfo.com/news/constant-updates-from-best-china-info/
See also: https://twitter.com/SpokespersonCHN/status/1366335152415150081 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0oo8PsUKrA

See also Barrie's ridiculing of various and sundry BBC MSM MIPAC blah blah codswallop here:
Great honour for us: https://twitter.com/SpokespersonCHN/status/1366335152415150081 https://youtu.be/L0oo8PsUKrA?t=55

Barrie VVeiss - Best China Info - Whimsical thoughts, notions, videos, views from a Happy Life in China

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