NIGHT SHADOWS 06102022 -- Bigger Evil. UFO Arrival, Gun Control, UN, 7277

2 years ago

Is this Pentecost on the 12th or 15th a RAPTURE EVENT or just symbolic of a future event? Star signs that are now coming together seem to indicate that the removal of the Church is close at hand, but that is based upon a pre or at trib rapture. Many 7-year warning signs in 2015 included a comet parade, and a huge earthquake. Then of course, we had the last blood red moon of the Luna tetrad in 2015 and 726 days later we had the star sign, and from the STAR SIGN to June 15th is 1726 days, a reminder perhaps that we will be standing before the SON OF MAN to give account. While most believe there can be no rapture until many things occur, the Bible says the rapture comes at a time when no one expects it, whatever that means! And then we have the UN power grab, GUN CONTROL, and more warnings of a new pandemic. Steve Fletcher points out that June 12th is a Mayan 9-11 warning on their calendar and more...

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