Capricorn Ascendant

4 years ago

This video is about Capricorn ascendant. This is a moveable earthy sign which means the natives are progressive, motivated, action oriented and take initiative easily in order to reach the top of the ladder. At the same time Capricorn is the 10th sign of natural zodiac which is about career, status, how the world sees you and working through your public karma. They like to be consistent and are normally very hard working. if you want something doing ask a Capricorn ascendant as they walk the walk not just talk the talk, particularly if Saturn is well placed. This is the reason why companies do well, these people are the back bone of the society. They can be a bit rigid and cold on the outside but give them time and you will be impressed. I use sidereal zodiac not tropical, download Cosmic insight app to see if you a Sagittarius ascendant.

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