1980 - July 27th - Hatonn & Latwii - L|L Research Meditations

3 years ago

In this session, Carla channels Hatonn, who reviews with the group the meaning of The Lord’s Prayer. Then Jim channels Hatonn, who encourages the group to realize that the same love and being that is within each of us, is within “each particle of the creation.” Hatonn states that the manifestation of this love, and the realization of this love is the key to our spiritual growth.

Hatonn then returns through Carla, as Hatonn & Laitos condition the group.

Next, Carla channels Latwii, as the session is opened for questions. Can Latwii aid in physical diagnoses? Do individuals in “healing professions” sometimes heal patients during during sleep? Who/what are angels? What is one of the group members’ homeopathic remedies? Can Latwii provide details about a planet called Krishnaloca? What do Earth tremors portend? Will California slip into the ocean in the future? Does Latwii have any information regarding future events involving the fault line the group members currently reside upon? What is the order of Earth changes? Where will the new north and south poles be after the Earth changes? (Carla passes the Latwii contact to Jim for that answer). Will their be incredibly strong winds for a few days after the polar shift? Why are more UFOs seen in Brazil than in the US? Is it better to learn (on the path) in a relationship, or alone?

This meditation can be found at https://llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1980/1980_0727.aspx

L|L Research home page can be found at https://www.llresearch.org/home.aspx

Disclaimer: This is not an L|L Research production. However, explicit permission has been granted by L|L Research to create these episodes.

A note about these transcripts from the L|L Research website

ABOUT THE CONTENTS OF THIS TRANSCRIPT: This telepathic channeling has been taken from transcriptions of the weekly study and meditation meetings of the Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories and L/L Research. It is offered in the hope that it may be useful to you. As the Confederation entities always make a point of saying, please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any.

CAVEAT: This transcript is being published by L/L Research in a not yet final form. It has, however, been edited and any obvious errors have been corrected. When it is in a final form, this caveat will be removed.

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