Memory Hole News (week of 6/5/22)

2 years ago

Watch "Catholic Drive Time" Monday through Friday, 6-8am Central/ 7-9am Easter across the Station of The Cross, and the Guadalupe Radio Networks. You can also join the LIVE stream on the @GRNonline YouTube channel.

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Youtube: Glad Trad Podcast

Headlines Covered this week:

[REUTERS] At least 50 killed in massacre at Catholic church in southwest Nigeria

[LIFESITE] 5 MLB players take a stand for God and rebuke degenerate LGBT ‘pride’

[DAILYWIRE] Every Single Business Leader Surveyed in New Poll Thinks a Recession Is Coming

[EPOCH] DHS Terror Bulletin Warns of ‘Heightened Threat Environment’ in Lead-Up to Midterms

[BLAZE] Man who wanted to kill Justice Brett Kavanaugh arrested outside of justice's home

And practical advice from the Venerable Fulton Sheen, from his talk: "The Fourth Great Crisis in the Church"

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