Use of Force break down

2 years ago

aw this on @policeposts got a bunch of messages to do more quick break downs

Not trashing this cop. I am sure there are videos of me somewhere on the YouTube looking dumb.

Better initial attachment, like a seatbelt or 2on1 would have led to a cleaner takedown. Hip tosses are great, another option is playing the foot sweep game. Both keep your head safe, though hip toss does expose your back (if you train its not am issue).

Once on the ground you need to exert dominate control immediately. Knee on belly would have pinned the girl. No issue with the slap but if you do not use your slap to achieve a goal it only serves as punishment and pain compliance. After the slap, go for a gift wrap or Kimura type lock.

Fails to control the torso and girl turtles. The next step fr turtle is almost always an attempt to stand. Reach under the armpit attack the posted hand with an inward pull to collapse the turtle. Her stand attempt leads to another takedown and more exposure to injury.

After the takedown he has a back take with elbow control on the arm. Again Kimura type lock would male handcuffing easier. Good job not inserting leg hooks in an open environment to keep mobility.

Some cops were providing crowd control but again we can see chubby bunnies on the background watching it go down. Team tactics make control easier. Sure good training leads to easy control but two trained cops are better than one.

For clarity, I don't care if her head hit the concrete. She purchased this ride with her poor life choice. But it is not our job to issue punishment. Our goal is control & custody. We should be able to gain control will minimizing injuries.

Overall not terrible. These are unplanned, unscripted, rapidly evolving incidents. We have all grabbed the wrong foot at some point.

It's hard to keep stuff short.

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