Passive Income with 1 Technique! - Bob Proctor's Method to Build Wealth! - Make Money Online 24/7!

2 years ago

Bob Proctor is one of the pioneers of personal development who specialized in teaching others a path to financial freedom and abundance.

It was Bob's assertion that there are three methods for earning money:


Bob maintained throughout his life that M3 was THE effective strategy because it involved setting up Multiple Sources of Income (MSI).

Bob Proctor went into great detail throughout his career, teaching hundreds of thousands of people (if not millions) the in depth reasons behind WHY this method works so well. It's not necessary to completely understand the "why" or "how" of the method if you only want to put it to the test. Start one source of income, and then another, and then a third... Multiple Sources of Income WORKS to generate recurring revenue, passive income, and wealth! It works, and truly, it is astounding how well it works!

And, if you'd like to learn more about how it works, I would highly recommend:

Six Minutes to Success by Bob Proctor:

The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles

It Works (The Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True) by R.H. Jarrett

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Magic by Rhonda Byrne

You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor (and essentially Bob Proctor's entire catalogue LOL)

00:00 Let's talk about wealth!
00:15 Bob Proctor's success method
00:25 Who is Bob Proctor?
00:41 Bob Proctor in The Secret
01:40 The three different types of income
01:53 Income Method 1 (M1)
02:12 The cause of income disparity
02:55 Income Method 2 (M2)
03:45 Income Method 3 (M3)
04:03 Multiple Sources of Income (MSI)
05:15 Passive Income Ideas

#SmallBusinessSuperheroes #BobProctor #PassiveIncome

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