Mindful Eating

2 years ago

Diet culture pervades our society and has created a value for thinness that has unknowingly caused a weight bias as well. It has also made people unwell. Because of this unhealthy culture, many people have lost sight of the importance of health at whatever their size as well as the impact of the other dimensions of well-being. Many other people have developed patterns of eating or activity disorders.

Beginning to develop mindful awareness about what you do with food and exercise and why you do it is a step toward healthy and whole living. Becoming mindfully attuned to the habits, rules, routines, and rituals you follow as well as the feelings and emotions that are present is another step forward.

Learn more by visiting - https://www.litwellnesssolutions.com/the-mindful-me-journey

If you are interested in mindful eating coaching check out https://www.litwellnesssolutions.com/mindful-coaching-program

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