This Recession Indicator Rules Them ALL!

2 years ago

The headlines are filled with chatter of recession and whether the economy will face this event or not. Other headlines are filled with chatter of not “if” a recession happens, but how bad will the recession be? When you understand the data and facts, in my opinion, anyone thinking the Federal Reserve can orchestrate a soft landing is living in a world filled with unicorns and marshmallow rainbows! I will be the first to admit that there is tons of data being thrown around, making for a quickly overwhelming environment. This is why I want to share with you the one indicator that cuts through all the media hype and opinions. It cuts through what the government and federal reserve is telling us. In fact, I would argue this recession indicator acts as a lie detector test in regard to whether or not what we are being told will happen, actually does happen. If you are like me (which I’m assuming you are), then you care about these economic dynamics as they can help position you in the wisest way possible to create opportunity for yourself. We are all striving to be good stewards of our finances and wealth, so let’s follow the data that will give us the clearest insight into the current financial times!

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