Experts Warn of POWER GRID Blackouts AND Electric Cars

2 years ago

The government keeps telling everyone that the war fossil fuel can be beat by purchasing electric cars. Americans are in a bind. We can’t avoid fossil fuels, they are literally used in every thing we touch every day. As the average cost of gasoline reaches $5/gallon and electricity prices continue to increase, we are told that one billion people are at risk of power black outs as the global grid is stretched to its limits with rolling blackouts. Here in the USA, we are prone to the same issues. As nuclear, coal, and natural gas power plants are being shut down, and we are putting more reliance on green energy such as wind and solar. Grids are stretched thin by fossil fuel shortages, drought, heatwaves, and the failed green energy transition which can only supply 18% of our current needs. The lack of battery storage, and issues with generation when the sun doesn't shine or the wind doesn't blow will create instabilities and more stress on grids. All of these energy problems are leading to a perfect storm of blackouts which threatens much of the Northern Hemisphere.
But there is more to this than what’s on the surface.

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