Understanding the Deuterocanonical Books

4 years ago

What are the "Deuterocanonical" books? Mike Licona interviews the foremost expert on the topic of canon formation, Lee Martin McDonald. In this video, they discuss the Apocrypha, Deuterocanonical literature, English Protestant Bibles, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Catholic Church. Ultimately, they review how various Christian traditions regard non-canonical books. Are they useful? Are they inspired? Are they heretical?

This video is an excerpt from a longer conversation called The Apocrypha: The Missing Books of the Protestant Bible -- https://youtu.be/oLoCxomJgwQ

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Mike Licona is associate professor of theology at Houston Baptist University. HBU offers a fully accredited Master of Arts degree in apologetics that may be completed entirely online or on the HBU campus in Houston. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/2Wlej6Z.

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