Always Be Frugal Never Be Cheap - Miyagi Mornings Epi-24

4 years ago

MATH ERROR - Running on the fly I said the cost of the expensive hose would be 2.50 a year, it would be 5 a year over 10. Sorry about that. The point remains the same. Hey you try doing vids like this every day with no script! ;@) also this is the hose mentioned in this video

If you like this video and this type of thing you will love my podcast at today's podcast will be Episode 2795 and should be live today by about 3PM CST.

Today we take a look at one of my laws of life, always be frugal never be cheap. Winning with money is about do a lot of little things right over the long haul. As you will hear today though, how you program your mental computer to approach problems is the real key.

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