How to Buy & Sell EXPIRED Domain Names! | The Journey

2 years ago

This vidoe will teach more on how to buy and sell Domain names

You can click on the link below for more guides on how to buy and sell. Domain names thanks

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00:32 – How does a domain name expire?
01:09 – How do I buy an expired domain?
02:13 – How do I buy a domain from an auction?
03:44 – How much will a domain cost in an auction?
04:13 – Are most people just flipping domains?
05:07 – Do I have to wait for the domain to expire?
06:06 – What does it mean to “park” a domain?
07:11 – What makes a domain name valuable?
08:04 – How do I get started in domain investing?

Buying and selling domain names is an exciting adventure that for some seems to conjure up images of finding hidden pirate treasure or guessing the winning combination on the next Powerball. Stories abound of domains that were purchased for $8 dollars 15 years ago being sold today for millions. Of course, that leads the more adventurous of us to wonder, “How can I do that?”

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