Part 4 0f 5 - Federal Search Warrant On Business For Selling 80% Lowers - Legal Ghost Guns

4 years ago

I go through this entire search warrant and explain the ins and outs of what the ATF Agent is doing, trying to do and how I think he is Liar & Unethical. This is pretty educational for anyone writing a warrant, getting served with a warrant, sitting on a Jury where a warrant was used and will give you a better understanding of how and why warrants can be good and bad.

Anyone knowing any parties in this warrant should get these videos shared the defense attorneys, I have some real problems with this warrant and a few things that could get this warrant invalidated or tossed.

At the end of each video I will put pop up link for next video, they will all be in their own playlist, feel free to use or share for education purposes.

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