BackFromTheSky ExcerptFromLiveFly 20201216

3 years ago

#BackFromTheSky #LiveFly
From my LiveStream on 12/16, Carlos live Flys and surprises us all.
Short segment with Mitch @Old Guy and a Drone and myself, #LovemyDrones. I thought I would share this part because it was very cool I thought and most will not go back and watch an actual livestream when actually live. It's easy to miss highlights when you skip through one. I get it and completely understand.
Making mention of some old sound clips. Ut Oh is by Back From the Sky and "Oh here we go" from Indigo Ryno during another livestream when I was flying.
It was a very fun stream the whole time but this is absolutely my favorite part. I hope you watch it's entirety!
#FPV #FrSky #Taranis QX-7 #FXT Technology

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