the greatest conspiracy of all

1 year ago

To understand that there is a Global Conspiracy, all you need to do is look to the sky. Geoengineering is Real.
And your Government, is agreeing to it!
How can I proof this claim?
Simple; Airspace is sovereign space of a country, NO ONE can fly or SPRAY, without the consent of that Country, above that country.
So, this means YOUR Government, is in the know.

Asking questions in congress, or any department of your Governments, will lead to NOTHING.
ONLY a Real Resistance, underground, interrogating the ones involved,
will lead to answers.
And Only a underground Resistance, who takes out the Guilty parties,
can bring Salvation.! Remember; YOU ARE already at War, You just didn`t shoot back your self, but they are shooting at you.
Forced vaccinations, with a BIO weapon, Geoengineering destroying your planet and environment? Yes make no mistake, WAR is Already upon you, for many years, and its time its stops.

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