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VIDEO - The canonical sentence of excommunication of the traitor to the true Catholic Church Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre...

2 years ago

Video publication produced on the Feria 6 Pentecostes, also the Feast of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Widow...10 June 2022 AD...

The canonical sentence of excommunication of the traitor to the true Catholic Church Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre...this document of the true Holy Apostolic See of the true Roman Catholic Church Divine Institution teaches and declares as IPSO FACTO excommunicated the most notorious heretic and in fact direct enemy of the genuine and true Roman Catholic Church Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, his most serious heretical works and deeds, fabricated false doctrines full of heresy and his denial, implicit and even explicit, of the Canonical, theological and doctrinal safeguards of the genuine Papacy and clerical office in general, the sanctity and validity of the Sacraments and Church Laws regarding their administration, including the true and INFALLIBLE Canonical safeguards of the Apostolic doctrine pertaining to the dignity and validity of the genuine Catholic Priesthood and Episcopate, and the validity of the Sacrament of Penance and the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass...

NB: This posthumous ecclesiastical trial document of the IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretic Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre demonstrates clearly that no heretic sectarian can EVER occupy the Chair of St. Peter and retain or obtain the valid Papacy...which Divine and true Catholic Church Law has Archbishop Lefebvre willfully denied and is therefore paying for this his crime of evident and proven explicit HERESY in Hell FOREVER !


EMAIL : thetrueholyapostolicsee@thetrueholyapostolicsee.org

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