Solve the problem don’t worry about it

2 years ago

Something can be wrong but it’s not getting any worse so you couldn’t do it so you don’t have to react to it because it’s not an emergency it’s just an annoyance. There’s a certain Zen idea which is just true even though I don’t believe in Zen. Not everything needs a reaction things can be bad on fire and you can just not worry about it and you will eventually fix it but you don’t need to do anything about it right now. Things can hurt without you letting it hurt you. It does bother you but you don’t have to treat it as if it’s deadly dangerous for the moment. There are real emergencies and somethings really do hurt ultimately that you need to react but a lot of stuff is on a small scale and yet we treated as if it’s a huge problem and some problems are big problems but you can’t do anything about them , At least not for a certain timeframe. You may have to wait 10 days before you can fix the major problem that’s coming in 30 days. So in those 10 days do something else and don’t worry or try not to. There is something that you could call the peace of God, which is able to endure the fact that there’s something not perfect but we can still have some joy and happiness and calm nevertheless….

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