Hope for America May Start in Oklahoma

2 years ago

I've had enough of Rino "Republicans". Haven't you? America is in trouble and we need some leaders. Just like George Washington, people have to step forward when needed. In Oklahoma we may just have such a man. Dr. Mark Sherwood is a retired 24 year veteran of the Tulsa Police Department, a former professional body builder and baseball player, and now a Naturopathic Doctor with a successful practice helping people avoid big pharma. Mark is a Constitutionalist and has some great ideas on how to deal with some important issues we are facing. DO NOT MISS THIS!

Guest Bio:
Guest Bio:
Dr. Mark Sherwood was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma and raised in nearby Berryhill.

His time spent in law enforcement, as well as helping thousands of patients at the Functional Medical Institute he founded with his wife, have shaped in him the principled leadership that Oklahoma needs. He sees all too clearly the suffocating socialist agenda that is sweeping the nation and making its way to Oklahoma. Dr. Mark is not naive enough to believe that Oklahoma will be exempt from the marxist strategy to destroy families, silence the church, and push for a totalitarian regime.

In critical times such as these, the need for strong and bold leadership - instead of self-serving politics - is crucial. Dr. Mark has risen to the task of filling this void in the governor's office. He is running to challenge and replace Kevin Stitt, and provide Oklahoma with the proactive leader it needs. The Oklahoma governor's office must be willing to face controversial issues head on. Unfortunately, Stitt has not demonstrated a willingness to be that leader.

It is no longer enough to be a moderate conservative, focusing on business and economics. Our children are being taught to hate people based solely on the color of their skin. Our hospitals are enforcing medical protocols that are killing people who otherwise could recover, and legal abortions are claiming 10,000 lives each year in Oklahoma

alone. Again, it is no longer enough to be a MODERATE conservative. If elected, Dr. Mark is ready and willing to exercise his full constitutional authority as governor to preemptively protect Oklahoma's sovereign borders against threats both within and without.

Dr. Mark is a certified Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and both he and his wife Michele L. Neil-Sherwood, Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) founded the Functional Medical Institute, a full-time wellness-based medical practice in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Sherwood and his wife have adopted a whole-person approach, which is outcome-based and looks at each individual’s unique needs. Their goal is to lead people down a pathway of true healing. To that end, there are two purposes: First, to eradicate all self-imposed, choice-driven disease conditions. Second, to eliminate the usage of unnecessary medications. Through their unique clinic, various diagnostic tests are used, healing and prevention of common disease patterns are the norm. He firmly believes that “each person has an awesome destiny and purpose in life, which can be revealed only through the pursuit of total wellness.”

He is also a 24-year retired veteran of the Tulsa Police Department, where he logged a decade of courageous service on the department’s SWAT Team. During his tenure, he exemplified his willingness to be the FIRST one to go through the door and face whatever was on the other side. His time on the SWAT TEAM also solidified in him the instinct to run towards the shots and not away from them.

He is a former Oklahoma state and regional bodybuilding champion, and ex-professional baseball player. Additionally, Dr. Mark traveled the world for over 10 years with the world-famous Power Team. Also, Dr. Mark is a motivational speaker whose presentations are sought by audiences nationwide.


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