THE KINGDOM OF SATAN Part 4: Living under the Antichrist

2 years ago

Current events in the world indicate that the time of the Antichrist is nearing and we are now in the period Jesus called the “Beginning of Sorrows.” What is life going to be like under Satan’s dictatorship?

It is difficult for Christians now and the struggle will only increase amidst growing persecution while the Antichrist promises prosperity and happiness to anyone that takes his Mark, but this will be short lived.

A 200 million man army will attack from the East and third of the earth’s population will die in the resulting war. Then things will get really nasty during the Great Tribulation as God judges the Antichrist system and destroys much of the earth.

Nevertheless, there will still be Christians who survive this extremely disastrous time. The good news is that the Holy Spirit will continue to convict people of their sins and be with you as long as you alive on earth. God expects to do mighty works through the Christians who are alive on the earth at this time. So start to prepare yourself now.

If you are already weary before the Antichrist system is fully in place, how are you going to hold up in the future when the pressure significantly increases?
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1501 -- JUNE 21, 2015

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