你可能被洗脑了,正走向地狱(warningthepeople)You are Likely Brainwashed on Your Way to Hell

2 years ago


2022年6月9日 warningthepeople

大多数人已经被文化完全洗脑了。 对他们来说,耶稣只是书中的一个虚构人物,与圣诞老人平起平坐。 他们分不清现实和虚拟的区别也不足为奇, 他们被小说、书籍、电影、电视蹂躏得体无完肤,他们根本无法区分现实和用科技和人们的想象力制造的虚假现实。 当我们来到耶稣基督的光中时,我们会明白我们曾经处于多么大的错觉中,我们是怎样被撒旦的世界操控的,我们被洗脑得多么彻底。 如果你不想被洗脑,你就必须进入耶稣基督的光中。 耶稣是真实的。 你需要认识他并跟随他。 他将引领你,指导你。 你必须学会听从他的圣灵,而不是听从人。 人们被洗脑是因为他们听从人,听从他人错误的想法,听从跟随撒旦的人。如果你跟随人,他们会把你带到地狱,但如果你跟随耶稣基督,他将带领你获得永生。 你是跟随并顺服了耶稣基督还是被洗脑了?

You are Likely Brainwashed on Your Way to Hell

The majority of people have been totally brainwashed by the culture. To them, Jesus is just a fictional character in a book that is on equal par with Santa clause. No wonder they cannot tell the difference they cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction. They are so raped up in novels, books, movies, TV, they literally cannot tell the difference between reality and the false reality that is made with technology and people’s imaginations. When we come into the light of Jesus Christ, we realize just how much of a delusion we were in, how manipulated we were by Satan’s world and just how much we were brainwashed. If you don’t want to be brainwashed you have to come into the light of Jesus Christ. Jesus is real. You need to get to know Him and follow Him. He will lead you and guide you. You have to learn to listen to His Holy Spirit, NOT TO PEOPLE. People are brainwashed because they listen to people, their false ideas, they listen to people who are following Satan. if you follow people they will take you to hell, but if you follow Jesus Christ, He will lead you to everlasting life. DO you follow and obey Jesus Christ or are you brainwashed?

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