Arrow Lotus/Aporocactus Plant Blossom in the Pot. 令箭荷花(仙人掌科令箭荷花属植物)开花了!

2 years ago

Aporocactus (Arrow Lotus) Plant Blossom in the Pot in the Backyard. 令箭荷花开花了。
令箭荷花(拉丁学名:Nopalxochia ackermannii,别名:孔雀兰,仙人掌科令箭荷花属植物。其原产于中美洲墨西哥、中国地区。
Aporocactus is a genus of cacti in the tribe Hylocereeae native to Mexico. It used to be classified as a subgenus in Disocactus, but according to molecular evidence, it should be excluded from Disocactus and treated as a separate genus.

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