PHD for the Devil

2 years ago

Perhaps Redeeming this song by the stones PHD for the Devil

Baal - Baal - Baal Baphomet Panned Parenthood
Watch while I transgender myself a fallen angel kicked from grace
been around for a long, long time I deceived yall at eden place
I was 'round when Jesus Christ laid it down to propitiate
Tried my best to make him Sin, but he wouldn’t no not a trace

Kill Lie and cheat you Can you guess my Game
Looking back through time my old play book’s still the same

Just like in St. Petersburg I had barrack use Hope and change
Had them manipulate elections with my dominion soros Paid

My drained swamp Stank I killed file and rank While pimping reset of My central bank

Kill Lie and cheat you can you guess my Game use the same symbols too put them right up in your face

I watched with glee while your all were swayed killed for five decades through Roe Versus Wade
H Dubya‘s clowns killed the Kennedy's but behind it all they were listening to Me

look as trans humanize myself as I beguile you at the end
MRNA altering covid Jabs days of noah are here again

Kill Lie and cheat you Can you guess my Game
its an old time line my old play book’s still the same

kneel down to me
(you a fool, you a fool) (you a fool, you a fool) (you a fool, you a fool)
(you a fool, you a fool) (you a fool, you a fool) (you a fool, you a fool) (you a fool, you a fool)
(you a fool, you a fool) (you a fool)

kill maim and cheat you can you guess my name, oh yeah
But deceiving ' you it’s the nature of my game, mm yeah
I control most world media most church pulpits I taint
claim righteous bad and evil good and soon lose my restraint

So when you meet me you may not know its me cause of this conditioning in place
distracted by intellectualism While I'll lay your soul to waste, mm yeah

here to defeat you deny Jesus name oh yea ignoring what you see his heel caused my crushed brain
(you a fool, you a fool) (you a fool, you a fool) you a fool Oh yeah, get on down Oh yeah Ah yeah
Tell me boomers, what's my name Tell me sheeple , can ya guess my name
hey millennial , what's my name if y’all believe me , you're to blame
Ooh-who Ooh-who Woo-who
Alright Ooh-who-who Ooh-who-who Ooh-who-who Ah, yeah Ooh-who-who Ooh-who-who
hey gen X, what's my name im defeated , what's my name don’t believe , what's my name
Ooh-who-who Ooh-who-who Ooh-who-who Ooh-who-who Ooh-who-who Ooh-who-who Ooh-who-who

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