6.9.22 Patriot Streetfighter, Bishop Larry Gaiters, Liquidation of Patriots, Global Squid Game

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Bishop Larry Gaiters. Liquidation of Patriots, Global Squid Games

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Operation Tomahawk...

To Follow All Patriot Streetfighter broadcasts go to PatriotStreetfighter.com where you will find the links to YT, Rumble, Brighteon & Bitchute. Also on American Media Periscope.

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Scott McKay is the host/creator of "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in Studio B on Monday's @ 8-10pm EST. He is also the creator of the Patriot Streetfighter podcast where the very first episode explaining the military operation behind the 2020 Presidential Election put him into YT censoring stardom as it went viral worldwide.

The Patriot Streetfighter warfare platform is taking shape. Check out https://patriotstreetfighter.com. We will be adding an email list so all will get notifications to upcoming online events. More coming soon.

Donate to the Patriot Streetfighter Mission & Upcoming National Tour https://PatriotStreetfighter.com OR https://bit.ly/patriotsriseup

Where to find me: Please Follow on these backup channels





"The Tipping Point" LIVE radio show Mondays 8-10pm EST
in STUDIO B (Mobile device tilt sideways to landscape view for STUDIO B) Call-in listeners 641-793-7038)

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