Natural Eyesight Improvement - Website Navigation and 15 year Anniversary

2 years ago

Ophthalmologist William H. Bates' Shifting, Switching (looking close and far) and other practices for equal, perfect clear vision in the left and right eyes at all distances. Natural Eyesight Improvement author, teacher Clark Night demonstrates Dr. Bates’ Method with pictures, animations, pages from the website; and YouTube channel videos. Website’s 10+ Natural Eyesight Improvement practices and 90% pages are shown. How to navigate the website for; 20 free E-books, videos, eyecharts, reducing (weakening) your eyeglass prescription/working with your eye doctor to become permanently free of eyeglasses... This is the website and 15 year anniversary. YouTube channel; 10 years. Set our videos to highest clarity option on YouTube; Quality 1080 Books;

Many old editions are free in PDF and have audio training in the chapters;
New Editions are only in paperback, hardcover and Kindle.

See our Copyright-Disclaimer-Directions and a list of Unnatural methods, bad teachers to avoid;

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