Life Purpose - Leigh Martinuzzi & Ashley James - #123

2 years ago

Living Life with Passion and Purpose

Life purpose varies from every individual. Yet we often don't realize our life purpose because we are too absorbed in other things.

We could be eating right, exercising and eating supplements. But if we're not plugging into our spiritual health or not finding out our purpose is in life it is useless. What's the point in life if we're not living our path?

life purpose
How An Aussie End Up in Japan

Leigh Martinuzzi had an amazing journey before he settled in Japan. Hence, he left a corporate life to help people find their life purpose.

"I lived in Japan 10 years ago when I was single and no kids. Two Christmases ago, we thought of going on to explore Japan because I had connections here. It was an easy decision and we moved to Japan within a few months," said Martinuzzi.

Comfortably adjusted by now, he has no regrets. "Consequently, we're living the life. And I love the experience and adventure. Just to have the ability to do allows me to grow. Since we also wanted the kids to grow up in a new culture," shares Martinuzzi.

Becoming A Coach

Martinuzzi realized a corporate life was not for him.

"I felt that disconnect and I was introduced to a podcast. First of all, outside work, I was doing things that didn't add value to my life. Therefore, I brought back writing back into my life," Martinuzzi said.

He then realized his life purpose. Hence, he has his own podcast to share what he has learned to help other people do the same.

Finding Your Life Purpose: The Hidden Why

Martinuzzi says if we don't express ourselves and really let out what we're learning, we miss out on a big part of life. Furthermore, expression is one of the keys to great meaning.

And it makes so much sense. Just recently, Easter just happened and my friend invited me to her church service. It was totally out of my norm because I was raised Anglican. Because I wasn't used to a liberal and uplifting service. Yet the minister said something that hit me hard.

He was talking about redemption. He said if there's something you really don't want, like being homeless or depressed, take that as your purpose to help people in that situation you don't want to be in. I was thinking about charities for children after that. Most noteworthy, I felt a calling.

This is the perfect question to ask ourselves---What is it that I hate to suffer from? How can I help others not suffer from it?

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