Bases 124 Part 0 & 1 Sean David Morton Introduction

2 years ago

Sean David Morton author of the Sands of Times book series, and host of other projects, Coast to Coast AM, Strange Universe Radio, and many more. Fundamental groundbreaking material on the Dulce base, decades ago.
Survivor of stage 4 cancer, we join Sean with a short preamble that ran for 30 minutes!, so maybe getting on with the show was a good idea by then.
Host of Strange Universe radio show
The Waiting Generation
I Am Justice
UFO Contacts : If You believe, now hear what they have to say
Dulce : Dark Mesa
Secret Government Warehouses (Consultant)
Sands of Time book series (discussed in detail in this introduction)
Black Seraph
The Dark Prophet : 2009
Challengers of the Unknown (TV Series/Special)
Joe Killionaire (Writer / Director / Producer)
Badlands - 'Traffic meets Badlands'
Message from the Pleiades (Screenwriter)
The Meonia Stone (Screenwriter)
The Nine Lights : Sequel to The Green Stone
The Guardians
Unit 9, Unit 9 Episode 6
Hellion (Writer)
Remote View
Beverly Hills Budda
Venus in Furs
The Delphi Associates Newsletter
Hard Copy
Area 51 : The Alien Interview
Strange Universe
UFO Contactees
Strange Universe! - on Talk Radio Network
UFO Library Magazine
Coast to Coast AM, with Art Bell and George Noory
Tough Act
Spiritual Remote Viewing Seminars
ZM Productions
Ravenswood Productions
Fair Play (Emmy Nomination)
Buck Rogers
Playboy Adertising
12 Signs Inc
BOOKS:- Sands of Time, Black Seraph, The Dark Prophet, The Vajra Chronicles,
The Future Sucks, The Millennium Factor. The Gulf Breeze Prophecies ...
and so on

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