Prophetic Dream: Black Sea Murders Exposed & Honor for Iranian Christians

2 years ago

The Lord spoke to me this morning in my prayer time and began to prophecy and He said "Son of man, write these things I told you about. And you will remember them completely. And share them on the internet, online. And share them in a video. And share them in an audio."

These are the things the Lord told me this day:

1) Hold up your Bible every day at 5PM and you will begin to experience signs and WONDERS and MIRACLES, and the GLORY OF THE LORD will fall down upon you and fill whatever room you are in and you will see it, this day, says the Lord of Hosts! Hold your bible up for 5 minutes or 50 seconds, but LET it BE a multiple of FIVE. Then turn to John and read verses 1-5 and feel my POWER come upon you, then listen to the WORD the RHEMA I will speak to you in that MOMENT. Then, knowing in faith that you HEARD MY VOICE, only OBEY what you HERD.

2) The Lord had a WORD for Chinese Christians that their hour of salvation is close at hand. He also included the persecuted Christians in Pakistan and the January 6 patriot political prisoners. He said they would soon be rescued out of tyranny, for the hour of his judgement upon the wicked is at hand. The HOUR is NOW!! Thus says the Lord of Hosts, YOUR redeemer

3) Iranian Christians in the underground church who have been persecuted and tortured and maltreated, but have continued to STAND for the LORD God of Hosts, Jesus Christ/Yahweh/Yahshuah will be rescued up out of the pit and recognized by the WORLD and the BODY OF CHRIST as heroes for FREEDOM and PATRIOTS for the Kingdom of God! Thus says the Lord God of Hosts, the Lord of Heaven's Armies, your redeemer who rescued you out of bondage and bought you with a price. Because you have made yourself a holy living sacrifice, I will HONOR you in my KINGDOM, says the Lord Jesus.

4) Secrets revealed concerning cover-ups, murders, killings, and deaths in the Baltic states and deep in the FROZEN Tundra of the BLACK SEA, where nobody thought anyone would look, all is being revealed. That which your enemy sought to bury and those in the CABAAL and what you call that DEEP STATE, thought they got away with it, but nothing is secret that will not be revealed, and nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, says the Lord of Hosts.

For, I am sending my ANGEL ARMIES to invade this earth and not only will they execute my will to set ALL the captives free, but they will sound the TRUMPET, they will sound the ALARM, and they will let the world know that there is a God in the earth and his name is the Most High, the Mighty Warrior, and His name is He Who Sacrificed Himself So that You May Live, and his name is Jesus, Jeshuah Hamashiach, and He is the Lamb, and He is the Lion. He is all things that were foretold and those things that were not yet come to pass that were foretold of old by the prophets (Jeremiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, and Clement) are nowing coming to pass in this day, says the Lord God of Hosts!

Not only are the angels I am sending to invade your earth here to free the captives, but they are here to clear the way of obstacles and the evil spirits and the Prince of the Power of the Air that I spoke of, and others and more, who have stopped up the rivers of good fortune, of bounty, of abundance, of BLESSING that I told you of. What the THIEF has stolen from you will be restored 7-FOLD, if you only DECLARE this word daily until you see it COME TO PASS!

For I love you my children, and that is why I have given you all authority over Heaven and Earth to trample on serpents and scorpions, that you may declare my Word and have victory in it!

Always remember: God Loves You, I Love You, and God IS Absolutely Good. Shalom Shalom!

And for an encouraging word and hear the truth, read 1 John Chapter 5 and verse 3 daily after you bathe or shower or clean yourself. Also, follow Robin D. Bullock/Church International and Julie Green on your social media (YouTube and Rumble) channels.

To the wicked be God's justice, and to the righteous be His REWARD!

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I am a software engineer, graphic designer, truth-seeker, and born-again, spirit-filled Christian who was previously both an agnostic atheist, then a pagan witch. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and God as the only god after experiencing miraculous healing and witnessing signs and wonders proving the absolute truth of the Holy Bible. In 2020, while watching a prophetic word delivered by Robin D. Bullock on his "Eleventh Hour" program in November of 2020.

I was given a ministry of the office of prophet of God at that same time. My mission is to obey God and share his LOGOS (written word), RHEMAs (spoken words), and revealed prophetic words and to tell of his miracles, his love, and as Julie Green accurately puts it, to deliver "the news before the news" as the Lord so deems fit.

If you want to support this ministry to help it grow, or if you would like to so a seed or even reap the benefits of tithing, please feel free to donate to my PayPal via:

Many others have Patreon and other sources set up, but as I am new fledgeling publisher I don't quite have the means or time to set those up yet. I am hoping to set up other ways to give though, as the ministry progresses.

God bless you for your love and support!!

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Sincere questions and comments are welcome! Trolls, bad faith, and incincere comments will be summarily deleted.

Thank you and God bless!

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#BlackSea #Baltic #Iran #Pakistan #China #BibleVerses #Tibet #Occult #Hidden #Murder #LivingSacrifice #Holy #Salvation #Obedience #Bible #Honor #PersecutedChristians


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