😃😃😃 Darren Nesbit - Stick Your New World Order Up Your A*** (We are the 99 percent) #nwo #daznez

2 years ago

Darren Nesbit - Stick Your New World Order Up Your A*** (We are the 99 percent)
Corona Protest Song Classic. Covers New World Order, Georgia Guidestones, 5G, Chemtrails, GMO Food, Vaccines, and many more - A MUST hear - DezNez

#daznez #darrennesbit #nwo #protest #gmofood #covid #covid19 #pandemic #georgiaguidestones #chemtrails

#kinderschützen #protectallchildren #demokratie
#ElternStehenAuf #orgateamkinder #hafenanwälte #maskenfrei #ichbinraus #fingerwegvonunserenkindern #wearethepeople #nürnbergercodex #wirsindviele
#humanrights #menschenrechte
#ichlassemichnichterpressen #freiheit #mybodymychoice
#ichmachdanichtmit #Testfrei #maskenfrei #geliebt #geschützt #gesund

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